Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Where are all the Strawberries?

So if you remember, this past summer I froze a "ton" of strawberries. I had gotten them fresh from the farmer's market, we picked a whole bunch up at the U-pick place near Sheldon and of course we ate them fresh=pies and what not. Well, here is the winter I have been waiting for so the better to enjoy them, right?! I have a slight problem, though. THEY ARE ALL GONE!! Ron swears he didn't eat any. Well, I recall eating few. Out of the refigerator freezer. Maybe 2 packages. Maybe it was 3. Well, Ok I can't remember how many but they can't be ALL gone already. It's only December. Honestly, I've moved everything around in the downstairs freezer and there's nothing in there but bags and bags of sweet corn. I am so bummed. This is impossible. Or else I'm losing my mind.


theKband said...

Exactly how close were you watching Isaiah when he was last with you.....

Mr.Brian said...

I'll put your name on the waitng list at the nursing home.

Amy A. said...

I wish I could confess to eating them, because that sounds so good right now, but it wasn't me!