Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Budget Talks

Budget hearings for the library today. My first one in some time. I really needed a joke to lighten things up. Otherwise I am taking myself way too seriously. ACH. Today I had the 'sick to my stomach' 'gut ache' that comes with having to make hard decisions. It lasted pretty much all day. How to decide if staff should be cut? What about all those dollars we don't get from the county? I wanted in the worst way to try and get dollars due to the library from the smaller county towns but that wasn't even on the table. It really frustrates me. And somehow, though I really did 'dodge a bullet' as far as staff reductions for the library was concerned I don't think I did so well in being gracious to other county librarians. Oops. And I think it might make the paper. I knew that. What possesed me to diss them? Well, I was really dissing their lack of cooperation. At the end of the hearing, I knew that it's not the end of the conversation. I'm getting a pass for the moment. But Money problems will probably only get worse. Hopefully we can weather this one easily, and it won't turn into a hurricane of major porportions.

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