Monday, April 27, 2009

Baby Kroesche (snap, snap snap?)

Isaiah told me the baby's name yesterday. His new little brother, no less. So let me be the first to tell you. Don't be too agahst at my spreading this all over. It was such fun to hear him tell you'll never quite get the feeling of it from me just telling you. Ok, so here it is: Ooogalooga. Now doesn't that sound like just the name Nathan would come up with?! Before Kristin, when he was still overly influenced by his weird friends...Jeff and Dan and Tim he had names picked out for all his kids and he shared them freely. Kid number one was to be named "snap" (as in snap your fingers and the sound you make was the name) Kid number two was to be "snap, snap" and so on. Thank goodness for sane mothers, else he might really have been tempted.
We'll know for sure in a few weeks.


Lady L said...

Ooogalooga - never would have thought of that :)

Mr.Brian said...

I think kid 1 should have been snap.Kid 2 crackel and kid 3 would have been pop.
Easy to remember.