Tuesday, December 22, 2009


We picked up Amy last night at the airport. Her flight was quite late so we weren't home until, well, today. So I am sitting here at home feeling exhausted. But no worse than the other two. They are both sound asleep. And the dog is snoring. On top of that we have to decide if we'll go to Sioux Falls tomorrow instead of Christmas day since it sems there is a 100% chance of a blizzard. Eeeek. I want to get snowed in with my grandkids. On the other hand I promised myself during a nasty blizzard years ago, that I would never ever never drive in a blizzard again. That was a christmas eve blizzard and we just needed to drive 6 miles from my in laws to my mother's. We drove the distance south in the north bound lane praying that no one else was out there driving in the other direction. Who should be so foolish?
So...a deep desire to enjoy movies, cookies, opening gifts, the enthusiasm of little boys on the one hand. And an even deeper desire to wrap up in a blanket and hunker down...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I pray you will all be safe no matter what you decide! Love you guys!!!