Saturday, January 30, 2010


I have been slowly reading Francis' Chan's book, Crazy Love. So many people have said how much they have loved it and have been challenged by it. I haven't made up my mind yet. I can be easily overwhelmed by guilt. Overwhelmed by all the ways that I fall short when it comes living out an authentic faith. One of the things Chan talks about is living within our income, or even better, living within the median income. That's around $40,000. (Well, it was when he wrote the book and I didn't double check his figures) He was talking about living within that median income and giving the rest away. Wow! Now that's a concept. So it's been on my mind. There's no doubt I spend too much on stuff I really don't need. Take the grocery shopping thing. My cupboards are full and I hit the grocery store for more, before I've even finished off what I got last week. Probably should refigure that. Then this afternoon we finally got new flooring for our "fireplace" room. Now I wonder if somehow we couldn't have gone a different, less expensive route so we could give more to where there are huge needs. It's easy to justify redoing the room. Much harder to put off something for self...

And in other things. I have not been blogging as much here I guess because of all the writing I've been doing lately. If you're interested here are a couple of links. The newspaper article comes on Wednesdays and if you're a fan of the Le Mars public Library I ususally post that.

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