Friday, January 8, 2010

On vacations and reality

So we will be back to the reality of winter that the rest of the country seems to be facing right now. It truly was nice to miss out on snowfall and blizzards, windchills and actual below zero weather, sit back and soak up sunshine, lazy days and food. Oh the food. Leftover Christmas dessserts that MUST be eaten, eating with relatives, taking mom out to eat for her birthday, trying out restuarants I've never tried before or eating at my Arizona favorites! I will be on a diet as soon as I get home. Eating out constantly has not done good things for me. (I enjoyed it though, I must admit.) Mom crossed off the last thing on our list of all the things we wanted and planned to do(after we got back from our hike this morning) So we have the rest of the day to finish up books, nap, swim or take in a movie. What do you think? I managed almost 5 books during the week. I should get in just a touch more shopping perhaps...
We will join you all in your collective shivering tomorrow afternoon. I will be back to figuring out how in the world I will get to work every day. And, best thing, I will get back to poor Buster who is no doubt missing us greatly. Ha!

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