Saturday, January 9, 2010

Vacation's end

sunrise in Sun City

This is a first for me. Blogging from the airport. The Phoenix Airport. I am sad at having to leave such fine fine weather and head back so I can start a diet. I suppose the cold should help though. Staying warm requires more energy so hopefully I'll burn some of this excess off quickly. But why am I obsessing about this? Goal this year: to accept myself as I am more than I have before. Is that Possible?

The airport is busy busy, but we flew through security much faster than we did in Omaha. Even checking in was quick. Hopefully our flight will be on time and we'll wing our way back to the cold quickly. Like diving into the water. Best to do it fast, all at once. Adust quicker that way, right?

1 comment:

Lady L said...

Nice picture of the palm trees. I would not want to leave either.