Sunday, February 28, 2010

Floor work

We had some help this weekend with our floor project. As you can see, the grandsons arrived, and just in the nick of time! They did some measuring, and pounding, and sliding to clean things up a bit, and they played here as well, just to test things out! They did a nice job, as you can tell. We are probably 1/3 of the way across the floor and made quite a bit of progress. All that hammering and sawing does take a toll though. We are supposed to have small group at our house next weekend. Eeek. I don't think this will be finished. The goal, remember was Easter. We should make that, though. It is hickory flooring butted up against the walnut wainscoat. It is very woodsy, to say the least, but looks pretty good. You all will have to stop over and give us your opinion. Of course, if you stop over before we're done we will be glad to let you help. The boys all thought that was great fun. I think you would too!


Mr.Brian said...

I so want this done to my kitchen/dinning room area.Small area,but I would not be able to do it myself.However I do think I know who I could hire to do it.A gal i work with has a tallented husband.lednerse

theKband said...

It's looking great! Can't wait to see it all finished.