Tuesday, February 28, 2012

On "Winter in the Heart"

I really thought I hadn't done any blogging for way more than a year, but I see that it is not so. I have pictures from Christmas 2010 and even a post from 2011.

It has been a long year of...well, probably normal things, but some that are not quite so. Once mom died I didn't think things would ever look the same again. And really, life has gone on very differently. Well, differently than I had planned I guess. But still, the good things: There has been the family-kids and grandkids; a joy and a blessing. There has been work; something I've always loved now coming into closer perspective. There has been home life;really I must focus on a bigger picture. There have been friends; they bring focus and keep me from myself. Thank goodness. There has been church; I am reminded that this life is not about me.

So, while I sometimes feel a bit aimless and confused and find that I am still struggling, I am not without hope. I have seen blooms coming up through the winter snow, Robins singing before the winter storms, clear signs of coming spring. Faith takes hold...

1 comment:

theKband said...

Welcome back to the blogging world. You were missed....
Love the new look!!