Sunday, March 25, 2012

Making time stand still

I remember clearly my father in law telling me how I should cherish the moments with my young children because time would fly by faster than I planned. That was more than 30 years ago and now that I'm approaching the age that he was when he told me that, I can only nod in amazed agreement. If only there were some way to keep time from moving so fast... So, I've created a list. My list of moments to freeze in time:
(in no particular order)
My father walking me down the aisle
Bedtime prayers with my children
bike riding on summer days with my kids
hearing my grandfather's voice as he reads to me
on the farm in Illinois as I ride westward on my horse Stormy
At Webb, during the eruption of Mt. St. Helen. There were spectacular weeks of them.
In the Boundary Waters as the sun sank into endless lakes
Horseback riding, toward home, looking at the clouds and wondering about heaven
The first time I sat at my desk at my first full time teaching job
Supper table prayers with my family.
Birth-days as I examined every toe, and finger and perfect eyelash
My kids laughing and playing and arguing together
Softball/baseball games at Webb with community all around
Isaiah's birth-his very first cry.
five baby grandchildren cradled in my arms
Holding Phinehas' hand as we walked down the street, sunlight shining in his golden hair
Watching Ron hold and pat and sing to his children, to his grandchildren
Sitting in IHop with Jeremiah as he drank glass after glass of lemonade
Watching my children's baptism
riding in a blue impala with the fella that would one day be my husband
holding a newborn Simeon and seeing his red gold hair for the very first time.
Walking through the streets of Clinton after driver's ed on a warm fall day dreaming about the future
listening to a babbling baby girl tell me about her day
A car ride home from a family event when I was a child, seeing Orion bold and bright, the same one that I see in the evenings even tonight.
Yes. I would make time stand still if I could. "Always remember to slow down in life; live, breathe, and learn; take a look around you whenever you have time and never forget everything and every person that has the least place within your heart.”


theKband said...

Great things to remember. And great people to remember. Sometimes it's the people you're with that make the memories so special...

Lady L said...

Lovin' people, that's the way it ought to be!

A good idea to list the things we hold precious and dear in our memories.