What has massive amounts of loud, disorganization, disarray, and craziness? A family under one roof that contains...3 grown kids, their spouses, two grandkids under 2, two dogs, one onery cat, and parents whose house isn't as big as it feels when there's just the two of them! There was a ton of prep work first: as in cooking cleaning stuff; There was massive amounts of eating--cookies, candy, pies, sweet rolls, almond pastries, chips, leftovers of all sorts; Lots of sitting around watching old movies on tv, (and let me say here, that I did plan ahead and had several new release DVDs on hand but then our DVD player decided NOT to work) plenty of reading (good thing there was no technical glitch with the books we had!) lots of picture taking, a few walks, church, more eating, napping, game playing, arguing, laughing, remembering, hugging and loves. Another minor glitch came when the cat bit our oldest on the arm and he had to make a run to the emergency room on Christmas Day; and there were too many people at the shooting range for the 'boys' to get to do their annual trap shooting event. No snow. But it was a perfect Christmas for us and I wouldn't trade it in for anything. Enjoy some pictures of our day!
What great pictures!! Already the boys are growing so fast!! Looks like a wonderful family time - great memories!!
The baby is growing so fast and his eyes are open!
So what happened to the cat??? :-)
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