For some 30 odd years I skipped the coffee in the morning. (In the afternoon and evening too. I never touched the stuff) What was wrong with me? I loved the smell of it. My parents always drank coffee. I could have used it during college. And it's a very social thing to do. I was always invited to sit and drink coffee while I visited, waited, or studied. Instead, I spent all my time turning it down. So what momentous event occurred to change me into a coffee-a-holic? I took a trip to England. Of all places to learn to drink coffee in the land of high teas! But that's exactly what happened. Their tea was way too strong for my taste. So in a small resurant in Coventry I had a wonderful cup of coffee. I fell in love. I became a coffee connoisseur. Everywhere I was guzzling coffee. I found: It's best drunk out of a ceramic cup. Distilled water makes it even better. Grinding my own beans fresh every morning is wonderful. Flavors are ok but I'd rather have the strong French roast kind and perhaps add some cream. No sugar. My husband knows just how I like it and can make a fine cup, though he will never drink it himself. (Odd). Now I even get Birthday, Christmas Mother's Day and anniversary presents of Coffee. Actually this is none too soon either as we have TWO coffee shops in town and I can indulge in the best kind whenever I need to pamper myself.
That's why I love you Sue - my coffee-lover friend!!! Good coffee is like a good friend - warm and comforting!! (I made that up - I may be a poet yet!)
And coffee is even better when you can share it with friends! So, let's plan to chat with some other coffee crazed gals and talk about some good books or a Bible study! Probably a good way to start the new year! How about something like that for a New Year's resolution!
What would Buster's thoughts be on New Year's Resolutions?
That sounds like the perfect plan to me. Hmmm. I'm thinking coffee after work or maybe before work, or on a Saturday or....
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