My morning walk routine has been so scheduled that I can tell if I am 'early' or 'late' by the people I meet on my route. Driver in white blazer at stop sign on Florida and 5th by 5:50; Runner in shorts at 7th NW by 6 a.m. ; Two girls with dog by 6:15 at Dover and 3rd... I have to hustle along so I'm not late! Then of course there is the sunrise (or lack of)..I should be facing it for most of the walk if I am 'on schedule'. If not, I could miss the best part of the walk. Most mornings I am in the dark but in the early spring the sunrise greets me full on by 6 (until the time changes that is) During these long winter months I just endure the darkness hoping that the sun is faithful. I can check out the progress the stars make through the winter skies...Orion with his companion Sirius and Procyon sit in the southern sky. Taurus still struts high in the western sky, and the moon marks the days of the month one by one. My walks are spent with morning moons, or fogs, hazy, pink and yellow sunrises, birdsong or cold winter winds. None ever the same. Too cold? Too icy? Bundle up, or unfortunately use the treadmill. Those who lie abed these days have missed the best part of the day! And anyway I have to take off that cheesecake of course!
Oh gosh - now I feel guilty - AND lazy!! Ok - you are SLIGHTLY inspiring me!!!
So what does Buster have to say about the holidays and does he move the snow?
Well, Buster's comments are kind of up to your imagination! And since we haven't had any moveable snow he hasn't moved any yet. We're working on training him for that, though!
Great pictures of the grandkids and I love your Christmas tree picture! You could publish that.
I wonder what a moonlit walk in the evening would be like? You like to try new things! Want to give a try? Maybe beckyb would join us?
I figured you out Lady l!! I love nightime walks - I'll join you both in a minute!!
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