The Christmas things hide in every nook and cranny and rediscovering them is sometimes an interesting challenge. Usually, the 26th is the day that I take it all down and pack it all back up and return it to the basement storage. Today was just too busy, so there will be one more day of Christmas at our house. Then the Christmas village gets put up. All the ornaments will be repacked. I will have to find every hidden poinsetta, santa, tree, light, window hanging, wreath and pick and get them back in the tub neatly! The manager scenes come down. The tree gets packed up and put away. The leftover tubes of wrapping paper get bundled off to hibernation until next year. (I've had some paper for as long as three years!) It used to be we had cardboard boxes for all the Christmas items. Yellowed newspaper to wrap everything in. But we've switched to the sturdy plastic tub. Much nicer. And then it will feel like January. The mirthless, long, dark month. It was good to have this bright hope of Christmas shining in our lives if even for such a short while. It will carry us through the rest of the darkness.
You inspired me - I took all of ours down tonight - but I love JANUARY!!! I'll keep reminding you!!! :)
Personally, I like to keep the decorations up for about a week or so to enjoy one last time before next year. I so dislike putting it away - the house takes on a rather drab look after the decorations are all gone. Kind of like what life would be like with Christ!
You're right about the house being drab after the decorations go! And it seems like I just got them up to boot and now all of a sudden I'm taking them down again. Bother it all anyway. That's why sometimes I feel like being a Scrooge at Christmas and not even bothering. After all, it'll be over before you know it and who will remember whether I have my decorations up or not! Ha
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