Naps are lovely things. I have been indulging in the Sunday afternoon variety for more than 35 years now (with a few misses for important things). "research shows that you can make yourself more alert reduce stress and improve cognitive functioning with a nap. Mid-day sleep, or a ‘power nap’, means more patience, less stress, better reaction time, increased learning, more efficiency and better health." -according to stress management experts. Ha! They've probably earned big bucks to come up with what I could have told them ages ago. When our kids were small we enforced the Sunday afternoon nap rule, but eventually it became a ritual they knew we would observe. I remember often being between waking and sleeping and hearing kids outside the door shushing each other, giggling or fighting. They had free time without their parents for an hour on Sundays. Every one was happy. If we missed the afternoon nap time because of other commitments or activities it was a poor Sunday indeed! Our kids were quick to understand that their parents were much happier with the nap under their belt. As the years have passed the nap is now taken on the couch and the length of time has to be much shorter-no more than an hour, sometimes less. Any longer than that and sleeping at night becomes problematic. That's not good. But napping and watching football games are even better. Two things accomplished at once. It's funny how you really don't miss too much of the action of the game by napping too. Other days of the week work for naps too. Those opportunities are less, but the nap is no less enjoyable even if it's only a 10 minute one. So. Long live naps. I think a new year's resolution works here, too: Nap more. Dreams are important!
Happy 2007!
Now there's a post I can really agree with!!! Naps - best thing ever invented - although I don't get them nearly as much as I'd like!!! Sunday though - naps are sacred at our house - but I have to laugh, often I too hear little shush's while I'm napping too - ahh, the joys of little ones around!! Nice photo of Ron too - I'm sure he's thrilled you added that to your post!!
You are one very very smart women!
I think it should be a law passed by congress.Sunday afternoon naps.You would not be allowed to call anyone,ring there doorbell or disturb them in any way shape or form.
I think if God had not intended us to nap, he would not have invented couches!!!
I agree, to long a nap and I can not ssleep well at night.
Mr. B.
Another thing you forgot in the list of disturbances are those pesky telemarketers. Just when I'm cruising into dreamland the phone rings... Now I admit that's usually not on a Sunday. Hmmm.
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