Saturday, February 3, 2007


We usually don't go to movies unless something comes highly recommended... Or, we really don't have anything else going on and it sounds like it's a good idea. Last night's movie idea was motivated partly by the thought of supper. We like movie popcorn for supper on occasion. Well, the popcorn was great. The movie.. definitely not. In fact, after thinking about it overnight I think I can say this was one of the worst ones I've seen in awhile. Granted, it made me laugh in several spots but it got its laughs by being wholly outside boundaries. (I really didn't want to laugh) And this was a PG13 movie. No wonder kids know so much about sex. This was blatant! To be un attached meant unhappiness. No sex? Argh, a disaster. "Because I said so" meant Mom (Diane Keaton) was saying to her daughter (Mandy Moore) have sex sex and more sex and only then will you be happy. And the daughter's solution to her dilemma of an 'unhappy' life was to sleep with two guys in order to figure out who would be best. At least (if there was such a thing here) there was no nudity. So there you have it, everyone, the prude has spoken! But you don't have to take my word for it, Here's what some reviewers say: But even Mandy wasn’t enough to make Because I Said So watch-able. Because I Said So should be avoided at all costs.
"Because I said so" is billed as a romantic comedy. In my opinion it was neither. But it is a commentary on our society on how obssesed we are with sex."
Man, why didn't I check out the reviews first.


Mr.Brian said...

Funny you should mention this movie, just today some friends and I were talking about it.
She also said it was getting poor reviews.
Oh well at least the popcorn was good right!
It does seem hard to find movies without sex,nudity or bad language.

Beckyb said...

We don't get out much anyway - gosh - if we aren't sick, we've got hockey BUT if we do - we won't go see it - and hey, I'll be a prude with you anyday!!! :)

Beckyb said...

Sue - I did my 1920's name - you need to come and see!!!