Joseph Stowell, one of my favorite radio pastors, spent a whole series of radio broadcasts talking about the christian sense of "otherness". That strong feeling from inside that God has set us apart. Our view of the world, of life, our values are "other" than the way the world sees things. Imagine my surprise, then, as I'm reading a new book called "Pen on Fire a busy woman's guide to igniting the writer within", when I run across the chapter called 'celebrate your otherness'!! She talks about writers feeling as if they are on the periphery of life, observers, detached wishing to blend in but always somehow removed. I almost jumped up and down at the description. Yes Yes Yes! I want to celebrate that as a Christian. Having that sense that God has put me here for a reason (sometimes I have no clue what that is) but still having that odd sense that I get that I really don't fit. My view of things is skewed but it is not such a wrong thing. "If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you..." (jn 15:19)
Enjoy the ice, snow and storm. Stay warm
I like your blog. Nice spots. If you'll have time you can look on my page.
Love the birthday girls pictures.I am thinking I see a payback headed your way.LOLOLOLOLOL I love when parents embarass their kids, mine did it all the time and sometimes still do.
Happy Birthday Amy!!!!
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