Off to the super bowl of eating party!! I lose interest in the game quickly. (though I guess I would declare my intention to cheer for the BEARS!) Eating fills the void. i will pay for it later though. Extra time at the gym. It's fun to be with friends anyway. We have great "fellowship" around the table.
Enjoy yourself! I agree the only thing I enjoy is the comercials OK eating too.
I am just spending it at home tho,unless i run next door for a little bit.
Our party was cancelled - three families with sick kids - darn those kids!!! :) Just kidding - oh well, the homebody in me is just fine with staying home!!
It was grand fun despite the loss for the bears.
Wasn't it past your bedtime to write this blog?!
See you at the gym!
Oops, now I see you wrote your blog before the game.
So, how 'bout those BEARS???
Was the food good????
All right. So the Bears lost. The first half was fun, anyway. And yes, the food was great. The commercials were great fun too. Now what will we do without football season? Just hope for those Packers for next year. After all Brett will be Back!
I had a great time watching the game - and eating!
"Guess who" (hint: former training camp for the Bears)
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