I didn't really mean to skip yesterday's post. Though I know not too many of you are following this, I still try to write something everyday. But what a frustrating day it was mentally. I struggled at work with a relatively new routine, not one I do everyday. I couldn't remember the steps to take to get everything done. I had to do things twice. Then when printing from the computer I got the wrong pages started and printed about 50 unneeded pages. ARGH! Once home, I started supper and then forgot. I burned it up good. But worse, when I realized something was burning I couldn't remember even starting the burner. I really felt like I was losing it! But the cake topper came when, after cleaning up in our yard and putzing around after supper, feeling all the while that I was missing something....hmmmm, we drove over to church to drop off some stuff it became very apparent that what I had forgotten was a very important baby shower. OhNO! I was in jeans and a sloppy sweatshirt. I peeled off the sweatshirt to my long sleeved baggy, dirty T, sent Ron home for something clean and went in feeling very foolish. Not to mention, late. Really, no one noticed but me. And it was glaring. What is going on with this brain of mine. I know, I know, I'm supposed to have the important events written down. Well, I did! I think back and marvel at how easily memory work came to me when I was young. Not so anymore.
All that I memorized when I was young is still up there...somewhere. If I could only organize those "drawers" more easily I'd get in there and do that! I remember wondering when I thought about my grandmother and her dementia or my mother in law and her congestive heart failure that led to being homebound which one would be worse... Good health and a mind that's gone, or poor health and having your wits about you? I don't think knowing the answer would help.
All that I memorized when I was young is still up there...somewhere. If I could only organize those "drawers" more easily I'd get in there and do that! I remember wondering when I thought about my grandmother and her dementia or my mother in law and her congestive heart failure that led to being homebound which one would be worse... Good health and a mind that's gone, or poor health and having your wits about you? I don't think knowing the answer would help.
Lets hope today is a better day for you.Sounds to me like you just had way to much on your plate yesterday.
If you figure it out - let me know - it's a juggling act I have not mastered yet!!
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