Sunday, July 15, 2007

American Tradition

What could be more American than the church potluck? We had a doozy today. Don't ever go to one of these and expect to starve. The tables are quite overloaded with food that is the best! From the snicker salad to the hot fudge sunday oreo cookie dessert the cooks around here are the best! Good thing I didn't eat any breakfast. It could have been a picnic outdoors since the temps aren't so sweltering right now. We opted to beat the heat at its own game and just stay inside to begin with. Good thing we don't do this every Sunday. Those saints from the days of ACTS where they shared everything in common including meals must have been waddling around on their jobs on Monday morning. Ha!

1 comment:

Mr.Brian said...

I've yet to go away from one of them hungry.Amazing how much food there always is.
And YES I am aglad it was inside.I am not a big fan of eating with the ants.