Thursday, September 20, 2007

On the mend

My fingers, as you can see, are normal size now. You can't really see the lovely blue stitches that are intricately woven into the flaps of flesh. Ugh. It freaks me out. My hand doesn't feel too bad as long as I'm not clomping it with a book or accidently pounding on a desk, or pushing off of something. I definitely have feeling back. I'm down to just using a bandaid to cover the scar, but the stitches itch like crazy right now. I know I know, that means it's healing. Hmph. It also looks freaky hideous. So the bandaid is a good thing in that regard! At least when my fingers were fat I couldn't feel anything...including itchy stitches. I don't get those taken out until next week. I won't be in a hurry to have this done again any time soon. Even if my other hand should need it. Did you see the news report about 'scarless' surgery? They're doing gall bladders, ovaries, appendixes etc. through the belly button so no one can see any scars at all! Cool. Wonder how they'd do that on a hand? Anyway. Enjoy the pictures. Ha!

1 comment:

Lady L said...

The picture makes your hand look really bad! Worse than in person.
But, praise God the 'fuzzy' feeling is gone.

Take the scar and wear it in good health - it beats trying to get to your hand through your belly button!