Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Random picture

Ok here's a blast from the past. Taken in about 1989, when my hair has hardly any grey in it at all. This is a 3 generation picture: my paternal grandmother, Amy at 14 and myself. I really value these kinds of pictures now, as I don't have a whole lot of pictures of my kids with their great grandmother. She wasn't exactly a "grandmotherly" (whatever that is) type of person. But she was at least trying for this moment! Someone was telling me that they were getting a formal 4 generation picture taken soon. That's pretty cool. This second picture is a 5 generation picture taken in
about 1970. It's awful and I wonder
if I was holding the camera and
cutting people off! My grandmother is at the left, again looking much younger. Still not overly fond of the grandma thing. Oh well.

1 comment:

Lady L said...

Whoa - it looks like almost matching shirts that you and Amy were wearing!