Monday, October 1, 2007

Does this look Orange?

Well, you know how one thing leads to another? That's our basement project for sure! I just wanted to paint, so Ron let me have at it on the ugly green chimney. Now it looks like a chimney. Everything else? Looks just the same. That's because he looks at things a bit differently than I do. He looked at all those pipes and said, "those galvanized pipes are going to start leaking" (said in low male voice) "That 1" hot water pipe is not big enough. I will fix". And so it went. He spent the whole day Saturday happily plumbing. Which meant that I ... cleaned, napped, cooked and lolled around. Oh well. Tonight he will go to get another portion of the project over in Peterson. Nothing is too simple for us! Just keep telling myself that it will be worth the effort!


Beckyb said...

Hey - at least he can fix it!!! What a guy - delivers dinner AND fixes things!!!

Lady L said...

Love that chimney red!