Monday, January 21, 2008

Cousins and brothers

My wild and wooly weekend is over. They usually fly by, and when I am looking at things in retrospect, they have really flown by! Ha. I woke up unusually sore this morning. Aching shoulders and legs. Then I remembered that I'd been trying to keep up with Phinehas for a couple of hours, i.e. keep him from falling down the basement steps or sticking something into a light socket, and I knew what the aches and pains were from. Sweet! But our house was full. That's the main thing. We ate and laughed and stayed out of the cold. Perfect time to do that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, i wish I could have been there! That picture of Tom and Phin is HILARIOUS! I think we'll have to watch the two of them when Phin gets older, they could do a lot of damage, those two.......