Sunday, January 20, 2008

Family Daze

I've been looking forward to having my mom here for a few weeks. She got up here from AZ on her birthday no less. Greeting her was the -10 degree temps and the biting wind and ice underfoot. Sorry about that Mom! Now you remember why you moved to Sunny AZ in the first place. I only had 2 days and was bound to make the most of it! My two brothers arrived and we shared meals and games, TV and talk. And of course to top it all off there was the grandkids. They only got here for a couple of hours but they are so full of energy! I have trouble keeping up. What a riot. Isaiah told us about his visit to his Spencer grandparents, church and meals. He is not shy when it comes to talking! I got some great pictures that I will be posting after the Green Bay game tonight. But it's been too long since my last BLOG and now that things are quiet again, I thought I'd catch up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful visit I had, and by being with everyone only a short time I didn't feel like too
much of a bother. What a wonderful family I have!! all so
welcoming and kind. Loved all the
pictures - thanks Looking forward to the next batch with the
new camera. Love,mom