Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Road in Haiti

The roads here are ... well, it's the dry season, and I guess they're in the best shape you could hope for. But let me tell you that's not much to brag about! Some have been graded recently according to the locals. Wow. I'd hate to see them in worse shape. The ruts are often 2 or 3 feet deep and the rocks are everywhere. Actually there's no rhyme or reason for most of the rut placement. But put a pickup on it and go with 12 to 14 people in the back of the truck and you're in for an exciting time of the kind that you don't necessarily want to have! I made the mistake of riding in the back of the truck when we came from the plane to the house. EEEK! I wanted in the worst way to take pictures, but alas, it was not to be. I could barely sit and hold on to the camera. IT gave new meaning to 'bone jarring'! I was never so glad to finally be somewhere! And sadly, I had to satisfy myself with pictures in my head and writing down the first impressions: cows and goats being led by young boys, women with loads on their heads, dirt over everything from the dusty road, houses surrounded by cactus fences, clothes drying on the fences, thatched huts, swept dirt...
I can only imagine what it must be like in the rainy season. The mud must be tremendous. They have one big hill near their house that is packed and firm and must be as bad as trying to run up a snowy icy hill when they have rain. Wow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow, you paint a picutre! we're missing you so much and are praying for you--isaiah prays for grandma in each night before bed...