Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I voted this morning. I had to stand in line even. The process seemed more cumbersome than it had in the past. There were questions we weren't asked before. But not to worry, I knew the answers and I could write my name! It was only a 20 min. wait at the most. The guy that harassed me at the OC library about voting for Barak Obama was some sort of observer in the corner of the room. That irritated me somewhat. I wanted to tell him I voted all right... but I would never create a scene. Ha! Hope you vote too. This is my 8th presidential election. Can you believe the first time I voted was in 1972 when you had to be 21 to vote. Don't worry, I won't tell you who I voted for even though I remember well enough.
Then for whomever is elected..."Let my People Pray..."
Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.Romans 13:1-3


Anonymous said...

I think you mean not voting for Barrack right?

Mr.Brian said...

I voted today too.And yes seemed to be many more "THINGS" that needed to be done.
I felt like I was back to taking Iowa Basic Skills filling in the dots.
I likes the old voteing machines we had before.
Oh well change is always/sometimes good.