I love to read. I haven't had as much time for it as before. I like making resolutions, though I do about as well with those as the rest of the general population. But against all odds here are my 2009 Reading Resolutions:
1. I will read from a genre I don't usually try. (Time for Terry Brooks, Bill)
2. I will read a book from the year I was born. (would you believe i might have to read Catcher in the Rye)
3. I will reread a book from my childhood (Diary of Anne Frank might fit here. Or should I try Wuthering Heights or a Trixie Belden book?)
4. I will read one mystery forcing myself NOT to look at the end of the book before i finish.
5. Ok, I would do 5 things, but i can't think of anything else that i might really try here, so let's quit at this . I have a whole year to do this right? And I'm sure, since I'm a librarian, working on my reading habits will benefit everyone as a whole. (yeah right) But I can see, my attitude right now might set me up for failure. Please ask me about this in a couple of months.
How will you be held accountable for your resolutions? Especially not reading the ending of the mystery book before you get to the end. :) Here's hoping you accomplish all your resolutions!
I'll believe the reading of a mystery without peeking at the ending if I see it myself!
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