Sunday, December 13, 2009

No pictures

I just spent the whole weekend with two of my grandsons, doing all sorts of stuff from making cookies, to doing a craft, to going to Disney on Ice, to rolling in the snow, to walking in the mall during the Christmas rush (never again), and I didn't take a single picture. Good grief. I was so busy I didn't even think of the camera. Well, not until we were half way to the Disney on Ice show when I remembered. Bother. So, no pictures. But I can tell you this: I am exhausted. I don't think we could cram in one more thing. I did learn that the boys liked the Meteor Trucks video that I brought home from the library. I can yell at them for not listening, and they will still want to hang out with us. And, I'm sure I've said this before, but I can't believe how their parents can parent no less than 3 boys at one time. Phew, it makes me tired to think about. I know I did this, but I'd forgotten...well, lots.
Back to "normal" here in a few hours.

1 comment:

Lady L said...

Ah, but the memories you made are pictures in your mind and heart and they are priceless! It was fun to talk to Isaiah and Phin at church this morning. Talk to you later.