Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I've had several very long days this week. Frustrating. Discouraging. Disappointing. Not because of the amount of time I've been spending at the job, but because of my relationships with colleagues.
So today, I get to join some friends for coffee at my (our) favorite local coffee place. De Koffie Hoek. Hurrah! Did I mention that I have friends? I don't really need coffee, but I do need some small relationship time. Phew. So just in the nick of time. I doubt I'll be able to fix the other things that are going on, but at least I'll know that I'm NOT a bad person. Well, at least I hope that's part of what I'll figure out. Here's hoping.


Roy Kenagy said...

Wish I could join you for a cup of coffee and a chat.

theKband said...

So I have to assume you mean "I'll know that I'm NOT a bad person" because you aren't. You're lovely. And I'm blessed that I get to call my mother-in-law a friend. You're a big blessing to so many. Glad you got to spend time with friends and be encouraged. Be praying for you.