Sunday, February 21, 2010

On Being Fashionable

Ok, so I admit it, I have never been a particularly trendy person. I really don't care about clothes all that much. I find myself shaking my head in confusion, or wonderment when I hear someone say "Oh, your shoes are so cute." Cute? Shoes? Oh come on. That is simply not possible. Shoes can be practical, or comfortable, or worn, but cute? I don't get it.
Ok, and then there's this whole thing with fingernail polish. I admit I have a small bottle in my bathroom cupboard, but it probably doesn't even run right now it's been in there so long. I just can't bring myself to put the stuff on. I also admit that a couple of years ago it dawned on me that lots of women were wearing polish on their TOES! I really never look at people's feet unless something shocking strikes me so why I even noticed polish on toes is a surprise to even me. So I was brave one Sunday morning and put some on My toes. Wonder of wonders someone commented on it. Good grief. People look at my toes? I am amazed.
Of course, all this is to tell you about my latest surprising discovery. If you're a 'friend' of mine on Facebook you will have maybe noticed my little poll about nylon knee high socks. I have been wearing them since they were invented. (sorry) It seems they are a major fashion Faus Pax. See, I even asked the clerk at JC Penny's what kind of socks she was wearing and she pulls up her pant legs and has on a pair of little white socks with her black dress pants. (as you will see shortly this is also a faus pax) If I'd had more time I would have polled way more people walking by but I was hungry. (that's another story)
Anyway, I have been guilty for, well, I don't know how long because no one has ever told me this before Friday evening. I am still in somewhat of a state of denial about this, but I dutifully bought some regular socks. (I don't mind wearing socks acutally) though I did put my knee highs at the back of my drawer thinking that someday they may acutally be fashionable again. So I guess I am saying thanks to my wonderful girlfriends for dragging me along in the world of fashion. After all if your friends can't tell you that you are making a big mistake when you wear "that" then, well who can?
Of course that got me to thinking about what other Fashion mistakes I am making. And thanks to google, you can acutally find out. So, now, just remember I won't necessarily care if I am wearing something I shouldn't, or not wearing something I should but this is interesting none the less.

Here are some major Fashion DONTS:

Dark socks with white shoes. Also, white socks with dark shoes. (Think Michael Jackson.) I actually found a site that talked about "wearing hose that matched your shoes" so I guess that would leave out the knee high nylons.

Socks with sandals. One is for winter, the other for summer. The same goes with nylons and sandals. With peep-toed shoes, don't wear pantyhose or you'll have the webbed-toe look.

While white is now considered all-season by many, it goes over much better if you are a celebrity. If not, tread with caution.
Another seasonal faux pas is wearing a straw/summer type hat before Memorial Day. Not an issue many have to deal with, but beware events that call for hats, because there will definitely be party-goers there who will be taking note.

Anyway, I wore socks to church today, but as a mild protest about the god of fashion, They were a pair my mom gave me with puppies on them.


Lady L said...

Socks with puppies on them! It must be because you love your dog so much. Thanks for the fashion tips. Who knows, maybe I will be the next target of a fashion faux pas.

theKband said...

For the first time in like, maybe, ever, I don't have a pair of pantyhose in my drawer. It makes me uneasy. Every Sunday I am reminded that they aren't there. I haven't bought any more, but I just may. Call me old-fashioned.