With Valentine's Day tomorrow (oh wow! I think I forgot the chocolates)I thought it would be fun to tell your best Valentine story! So, what story (or stories) do you have that are heartbreaking, funny, or romantic about the great day of Love? I'm not sure how tagging works, but if you're reading this... You're tagged!
Here's mine:
Dateline, February 14, 1970. In my home inSteward, Illinois. My boyfriend of 5 months surprises me by proposing to me in my living room. He asked me if I would be his wife and the mother of his children. How could I turn him down? I was worried that it was the only proposal I would get!! Ha!! None-the-less, I did love the guy. We were married on an April day 14 months later. And we have been together for 35+ years. And we did have three great kids. Now we have 2 super daughters in law and 2 wonderful grandkids.
Your turn....
Oh - what a great story - you are so clever over here - hmmmm, shared my proposal story already but I will keep thinking!!
Sorry i can not top that. I do not have any special storie to share. Charlie is not the romantic type dog.
I have really enjoyed your most
recent "blogs" you're a wonderful writer I don't under=
stand why you think you are un-
important and lead a boring life.
It seems to me you are right where
you are supposed to be,doing what
you should be doing - and doing it extemely well!! I don't have any Valentine memories - sad!
from someone who loves you
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