Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Sing down the summer!

I heard a wren yesterday morning. Then tonight as I sat out on our back deck with a book in hand I heard him in our back yard singing like the whole summer was stretched out in front of us. (Oh wait! It is!) My father in law's birthday was May 6 and he always said that the wrens arrived just in time to sing a happy birthday to him. He said it was the best gift he could ever get. I must admit they are lovely to listen to. We always expected them the first of May. And when we hear them, We always talk about Dad K. I can't hear them without thinking of him. He always had a wren house or two in his back yard to be sure these sweet little songsters were there all summer. They are a joy to hear. Right now the loudness of the bird song can wake you up early. The next bird to arrive will be the swallow and I actually think I heard one of them not too long ago. These birds are one of my favorite reasons to have summer!
I found the coolest website with all my favorite birds and then some listed. Just click on the link: http://www.learnbirdsongs.com/birdsong.php?id=16

1 comment:

Beckyb said...

You are a girl after my own heart - LOVE the website - and hey, if your computer ever dies, I even have bird songs on a cassette!!! I know, Joe thought I was off my rocker!!!!