So. On with the story of this dream house. Did I mention that it was 20 miles from the nearest town with grocery shopping? And we were on a gravel road that filled the house with dust all spring, summer and fall? There was a 'slight' crack in the foundation of the bathroom (that by the way had no bathtub or shower. That was in the half 'bath' in the basement) That meant that in the fall, hoards of mice would get into the house. We used to joke that we had to run a trap line to catch them all. Every night we could lay in bed and hear mouse traps springing all over the house. In the morning we would empty them and start the process all over again. We also had a pair of bull snakes nesting under the wrap around porch. Ron wouldn't get rid of them because they "eat more mice than a cat ever thinks about". So I had to watch where I stepped when I was out on that nice porch. The windows were also quite old and during the winter we could stand in the middle of the kitchen and feel the breeze of the north wind blowing through. There was no heat whatsoever upstairs where all the bedrooms were so cuddling was highly recommended! And one of the first things we had to do with the house was put supports in the attic to shore up the roof. Check out my pictures-kitchen, outdoors and the last was the eternal remodel at the very beginning. (More on that later.) You can see my lovely full kitchen after we had done some work to it. Yikes. I worry about my taste after looking at that picture!
Get a load of the macrame plant hangers and the coppertone appliance. Reminds of things we used to have!
I love nothing more then the older homes with a big front porch.I always loved sitting on my parents front porch when i was young.
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