Tuesday, February 5, 2008

February Resolution: Humility

The dictionary defines humility as 'modesty, lacking pretense, not believing that you're superior to others.' Sometimes my pride comes all dressed up like its humility and it's really just the mask I'm wearing. Self depracation and that refusal to look at the camera aren't really humility. i need to learn how to put that away and wear the real thing: humbleness in all its life like, serving giving, thinking-of-others first beauty. And if someone else even recognizes it, it's doubtful that it really is true humility.

Let me tell you, humility is NOT in my genes. I gravitate toward self conceit, selfishness every time. Just ask my brothers and sister. They know that I would think of myself first when left to my own devices. Putting away that ugly pride I wear requires me to deny myself, ( a bit of nakedness I fear), and that horrible desire in me to BE FIRST!

I am looking forward to this Haiti trip, but I know I I have to be careful not to let my education, my position, my country, status or whatever pre conceived notions I have about Haiti get in the way of being a servant first. I have lots to learn. That's why this month I am resolved about Humility.

" Do nothing from rivalry or coneit, but in humility count others more significant than yourself" (Phil 2:3)

" Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, patience."


Amy A. said...

Maybe we have already started our journey of humility since we both shot beverages out of our noses this week. That's always good for taking one down a peg!

Mr.Brian said...

Hmmm Amy's comment sounds like it could make an interesting post.
Humility can be a problem for many.
I try to always put others first,however if food/chocolate are involved I may be pushing you out of my way.

Sue said...

You guys are hilarious! That nose thing does do quite a bit for humbling one. However, I'm not so fond of being 'humiliated'! I hope that's not too much a part of this!