Friday, March 21, 2008

Ready for Company

Ok this is exciting! The paint job in the bathroom is done. You can see for yourself. And it is cute, if I do say so! Everything is put back together. As a sign of doneness we even hung a picture. Not one of the ones I used to have in there, but something 'new'! While we will still put in a new sink, that will get done after Easter and after everyone is gone. Heavens we don't want the family to have to live in a mess with us. (they've done that plenty of times when they were young. Enough already) But even that is an exciting prospect. I was just telling someone what possessed me to start this project just before company came. I had a revelation while sitting on the pot. It just came over me. ARGH and EEEK! I can't live one more day with this hideous wall paper. 5 years is enough. (and this after my trip to Haiti no less. You'd think I'd learned something about thankfulness for my blessings which includes hideous wallpaper in a perfectly functioning bathroom) Anyway. There you have it. And we even met our deadline. Stress and all. Thank you Lord.


Beckyb said...

Looks Awesome!!!

Mr.Brian said...

May I give Ron my list now?????
Looks great.
Enjoy the company.And if things get to crazy you could always go next door since they are gone for a few days.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful bathroom. Congratulations to both of you.
Your family will be amazed. Now all you have to do is to get ready for company!!! Happy Easter.
AZ mom

Unknown said...

It looks LOVELY!!!! Well done Ron and Sue!

Anonymous said...

Love it!

amy :P