Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Two Dog Day

While I was in Haiti one of the little girls was telling me how cold it got down there. She told me that one night they had a 4 blanket night! I couldn't imagine how cold that was, as I never needed more than a thin blanket for my entire visit. And I was there during their cold season! I can imagine a 4 blanket night, here, though and you all know that that would be pretty darn cold! But how about this for measuring the day: A Two Dog day. 2 dogs to curl up with you when you're napping. 2 Dogs to beg food from you. 2 Dogs to walk, 2 dogs for everything that you've been used to 1 dog for! This measuring stick not only tells you how warm you can get, it tells you how crazy you are! We have 2 Bostons in the house for the rest of the week! Yup, we're dog sitting again. That means that when the whole family is here, we'll actually have 3 dogs, 3 kids and 10 adults. My house is bursting at the seams. And the bathroom isn't done either. Oh well....

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