Wednesday, July 2, 2008

B+ (a blood type reminder)

Hey July has arrived and i've yet to come up with my "new month resolution" word. Action packed and achievable, of course.. B+(positive) might be a good place to start as i've been really struggling with doubt, discouragement and a tad bit of self loathing thrown in to boot. I don't know why it should be so easy to look so at the world with such dark colored glasses on all the time. I have to psych myself up to be positive sometimes. There are days I have no idea why the blackness descends. Anyway, i need to change my attitudes and actions/reactions here. Some thoughts on being a more positive person:

*Have A respect for people and their contributions, even mine.
*hold firm the belief that things happen for a reason, and that reason serves me, whatever it is.
*Stay firm with the conviction that no matter how good or how bad things may be, they're going to get better -- and I can help make them become so.
*I know that positive people are the ones who make the difference in life -- how many cynics do have ever done anything worthwhile?
*Keep on being relentlessly positive, no matter what.
*Remember. that good things happen -- repeatedly -- to those people who are looking out for them.
*I will commit to form and foster positive habits, and decrease negative ones
*Be the change I want to see in the world”.
"May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope" 2Thess. 2:16

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