Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Book Review

I know I've said this before, but I don't think I can say it too much. I love the part about my job where I get to read books as they come across my desk. With the books for adults or older kids sometimes its only a snippet or two, but its enough to intrigue me enough to just check the book out and take it home. I did that with Sarah Pennypacker's "My Enemy's Cradle" and I wasn't disappointed. Today I looked at, and read quite a few. But the one I want to tell you about brought me to tears. The book was My Chincoteague Pony by Susan Jeffers. It was about the horses on Chincoteague Island. (You all remember Marguerite Henry, right? She wrote Misty of Chicoteague. Every Horse lovers 'must read' book) But this book was about a little girl whose dream was to own one of those horses. It is based on a true story about the annual sale of those horses and what happens at each and every sale. I have to tell you, it was a lovely story. In fact, it was so nice, I will have to get one for one of my grandkids. It so reminded me of how important horses had been during my growing up years. Or wait, maybe this time, I'll just get it for myself.

For my grandkids another book came across my desk the other day, one I wish we'd have had when our kids were small, called "The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name" by Sally Lloyd. It was amazing! She tells all the old familiar bible stories, God creates, Adam and Eve, David and Goliath, Samuel, Moses, Jonah, Ruth, Esther etc. and as part of every single story she shows how all of it points us to Jesus Christ and the reason for his coming. I absolutely loved it. So, can plan on this one in the kids christmas stockings! Ha!


theKband said...

We have this one!! We got it when Phin was born from the Penneys and absolutely love it. Nate does devotions with the boys each night from this book. It has literally become a part of our life as a family, all three boys gathering around and reading about Jesus through these stories.

Sally Lloyd-Jones said...

Hi Sue

I'm the author of The Jesus Storybook Bible and I came across your blog via a google alert thing and thought I'd stop by and say Hi.

Thanks for your review--I'm so glad you're enjoying the book. It's God's Wonderful Story--and i'm so honored to have a part in retelling it for children.

(How great you'll be giving them in the christmas stockings!)

Anyway, my best to you and your lovely grand children


PS you may be interested to know about some cool resources on my site connected with the book, including audio of me reading the stories, downloadable stories, interviews and reviews--as well as other new children's books
PPS as a Grandmother you may be interested to know about my newest picture book: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO GRANDMAS AND GRANDPAS