I had my whole week set out. Well, I usually have a general idea of what's going to happen. But much like My mother-in-law used to say "We plan...God unplans". Yup. It's true. I went to work yesterday knowing with pretty good certainty that I really shouldn't. But to justify myself I did, after all, have my flu shot this fall. I thought that might mean I wouldn't actually GET the flu. But here I am at work and I could only see if I squeezed my eyes shut. I could only sit if I scrunched up. Banging my head on my desk brought mild relief to the headache that was raging. Yup. I shouln't have even been there. I suceeded in exposing lots of people to the FLU! At least I went home by 10 and stayed. Through the day I alternately wished for unconciousness and death. I'll spare you the gory details. Everyone can imagine them. Needless to say, it's Not a great way to spend a day at home. You can't accomplish anything. Even this morning as I write this I feel the last tendrils of it clinging to me. I want to eat. But yet not. I need to drink, but I'm afraid to. I still feel the headache clinging behind my eyes. Ugh. But I don't want to miss any work. After all..They need me. (HA!) Well, here's hoping that I endured it for everyone. No one else needs to suffer through this too.
Yes we do need you - you stay healthy over there.
Thanks for taking one on the chin for us. :-)
Hope you are feeling better soon. I am sure Buster has enjoyed mommy being home with him.I am sure he has been keeping you company and giving you some pet therapy by letting you pet him and give him some love.
I only ask one thing... keep the bug on your side of the block please. It does not sound like anything I want.
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