Sunday, March 25, 2007

I have to take time to interrupt my horse stories series here to exalt on our recent trip to the Windy City. Wow! Did we behave like tourists or what? I have enough pictures to fill books. Everywhere I turned there was another picture, another memory I wanted to keep and take out later and look at. For some of those I will have to rely on my memory, but check with my sister and she'll agree...we took a TON of pictures. But it was so fun. We had time to see the exhibit Vollard: Cezanne to Piccaso at the Art Institute;visit the Museum of Science and Industry and see Body World 2 (definitely more on that later); See "Wicked" at the Oriental theatre and we enjoyed all the cool things that the city folks do all the time without giving it a second thought: i.e. ride the train downtown, walk around the streets with skyscrapers towering overhead, battle traffic, enjoy some of the most unique foods, stores and peoples anywhere! Do you think I've gone a bit overboard yet? Probably. But that doesn't compare to the things we ate for the weekend. Yikes! We indulged at Starbucks, ate in Chinatown (I had a lemon chicken that was like eating a big chunk of chicken in the middle of a lemon pie. It was that sweet. Good) Oberweiss' dairy(icecream) and at a Tapas Bar. We had take out from a noodle factory and we ate a food court in the heart of a downtown skyscraper (under 55)I think I'll be waddling to work in the morning. And I probably should get out more. It really sounds like I've never been out of town. I admit I'm a small town girl....


Beckyb said...

Sounds like SO much fun - ok - here's the deal - K and I want to go next time!!! :) We're jealous!!!!

Mr.Brian said...

Sounds like you had a great time.
And I bet Buster was happy to see you when you got home.