Friday, April 13, 2007

South Beach

So, Ive been reading labels very closely lately. How many carbohydrates... Mostly I want Ron to diet because he REALLY needs to take off a few pounds. It's so surprising how I don't really think about what I'm eating. What fats, cholesterol, carbs, sugars etc are in each bite. How big is a serving size? But we are doing the cross between Atkins/ and South Beach: eliminate carbs for a couple of weeks then, add them back in in the form of fruits and some pastas. I miss the fruit. I used to eat an apple at lunch. Now I'm eating carrots, cauliflower, some almonds, and green peppers and 1 hard boiled egg. It does fill me up, but I have such a craving for...I'm not sure what, but I think it's an apple! Ron, I have to nag every day and tell him what he may eat and remind him of what he needs to avoid--Taco Johns, Pizza Ranch, Hardees, Chinese, Pizza Hut. etc. Then I have to quiz him every night on what he had for lunch. So far so good. 1 week down and ??? to go!


Mr.Brian said...

Good luck!!! If it works well let me know too,I need it very clear what to eat. I need to drop a bunch of weight.

Beckyb said...

Ok - now I'm feeling guilty - as soon as I get back - it's a BIG diet for me!!!

Anonymous said...

ok, I'll throw in my "professional" opinion. If you burn more calories than you take in you loose weight. Cutting down on the intake is the hardest part. Making that a lifestyle and not just a diet is just as important.