I would title this Progress, because there is indeed progress. Seems that two coats of paint for a bright red aren't so unusual. sigh. But done? It ain't gonna happen by Friday. sigh again.
I know. I am short on patience. In fact, if I were working on any aspect of my character,trying to become a better person, Patience would be the first place I would need to start in. I'm sure no one else is surprised by this, not even I am. My patience testing activities include standing in lines , having piles of things 'to do' and a short amount of time to do them in. People who are slow (a. driving. (b. figuring things out (myself included in this one). Waiting for God to answer prayers. I hate waiting. Have I said that before? I think I'm a product of the culture that I live in. Instant relief for whatever ails me is the order of the day. (And that includes the instantaneous change in an ugly bathroom that I've lived with for, oh, five years for pete's sake) Hurry, don't wait anymore; take things into your own hands. Maybe others have noticed this about me. I know that I have often joked that I shouldn't pray for patience, because God just might actually answer that prayer. And according to James the answer to the prayer for patience is often accompanied by suffering. Whoa! Don't want any of that. Though I did hear someone say that even in that prayer, we should be able to trust a loving God to answer that prayer in a wise way. Hmmmm.
Well, I'm having a heaping big dish of patience for supper tonight. Care to join me?
It's looking pretty good to me! Persevere in patience, it will be worth it. A job done right, usually takes time and attention to detail (but I bet you've heard that before too :).
Now if you didn't have such a BIG honey dew list,Who am I kidding crack the whip women,crack the whip!!!!!
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